Everything about Possession

Everything about Possession

In Arabic Possession is called Al-Mass, Al-Mass literally means a touch, the person is touched by the Shaytaan as it were, it is also called Al-Sar ', although Sar refers to epilepsy caused by the Jinn and where the Djinn can get full control over the patient's brain and gives the patient blows from the inside, causing this person to fall and get attacks.

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Be happy with your possession

Be happy with your possession!

Be happy with your possession!

Unfortunately, many brothers and sisters are troubled by the fact that they sometimes get a sense of helplessness and despair because the healing is delayed.

The shaytan manipulates their feelings and naturally responds to this, so as to reduce confidence in ALLAH and make the person feel depressed, after all, someone who does not feel well and thinks that the roqyah will not help will also decrease stop the roqyah or even completely.

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