The Shaytaan Shackles in the month of Ramadan

Every year we see the same kind of questions coming back in the month of Ramadan, may I brush my teeth, may I have blood tests, etc. And one of these questions is about shackling the Shayatans in the month of Ramadan, people read the Hadith and then see sins and people they sin in the month of Ramadan. Hence this modest article, with the will of Allah we will discuss the traditions and see what the opinions are
of our respected scholars.

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At-Taabi3ah or At-Tab3ah

There are, as we know, many kinds of possession and sihr, from among these species is also AtTaabi3ah and what is also called At-Tab3ah, it belongs to Al-Mass and Sihr Al-Garizi
in other words, possession and Sihr that are outside the body.
We will discuss this species exactly what it means, what causes it and what people are there
against it.

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Marry a Djinn

Marriage and community between man and the jinn!

The world of the jinn is secret and hidden for us by Allah the Exalted, because of the many wisdoms before this.

Yet there is interaction between man and the jinn, interaction that often contains forbidden and much evil, such as the contact that the sahir makes with the shayatene, as well as the jinn who wrongs man and enters his body (possession) with all the consequences of serve!

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