Sihr (Wizardry)

Watch out for the sahir of the jinn (Al-Ghoul-Al-Sha3ali-Al-'ilaan)!

Watch out for the sahir of the jinn (Al-Ghoul-Al-Sha3ali-Al-'ilaan)!

The person who does roqyah whether this is someone who does it for himself or a raaqi who treats people should always be careful when dealing with the jahir of the jinn, so this is a shaytan who is himself a sahir and his evil and wickedness is larger and more than the human sahara. In the “Manual against Sihr” we have briefly mentioned this sahir of the jinn that is called in Arabic Al-Ghoul or Al-Sha3ali or Al-'ilaan, we will discuss this topic with the will in this article from ALLAH.

This jinn is, as we have said, himself a sahir, and his sihr and wickedness go far beyond that sihr and wickedness of that of the human sahir. When a raaqi meets this type of jinn, the raaqi must proceed with caution, the raaqi must fight this shaytan with the right weapons and this is only possible for the raaqi who has the right aqeedah and is a devout person, someone in whom the actions of the Quran and the Sunnah can be seen both internally and externally, someone who fully trusts in ALLAH the Exalted and who protects himself and his family with the prophets of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and make extensive pleadings with ALLAH the Exalted!

We will see what the scholars of Islam have said about this sahir of the jinn

The difference between Al-Ghoul and Al-Shi3alah?

Shaych Mashoor Hassan Salmaan in his book “Al-Ghoul bayna Hadeeth Al-Nabawi wa Mawsoom Al-Sha'bi” under the chapter “The difference between Al-Ghoul and Al-Shi3alah” page 66-68:

Many have said that Al-Ghoul can only be seen at night and many claim that it disappears when the day comes on and goes out like a lamp, and certain scholars have made a distinction between Al-Ghoul and Al-Shi3alah because of this point or because of the point of their departure.

Al-Shaheeli says in “Rawd Al-Anf” 7 / 295:

Al-Ghoul is the one you see at night and Al-Shi3alah is the one you see from the jinn during the day.

Ibn Kathir says in his Tafseer 1 / 313:

Al-Ghoul in the language of the Arabs are the djaan (mv djinn) who can be seen at night.

Al-Damiri said in "Hayaat Al-Hayawaan Al-Kubra" 2 / 21:

Al-Shi3alah are the worst among Al-'Ilaan.

Al-Djaahid said in "Al-Hayawaan" 2 / 159:

Al-Shi3alah is the name under 1 of the women of the jinn when she changes, or adorns / mutates herself, so that she has tried the travelers.

Shaych Abd-Assalaam Harun said about this statement, I have not found this statement with anyone about Al-Shi3alah except with Djaahid.

The sahir jinn:

Al-Haafid ibn Hajr says in “Al-Fath” 6 / 344)

Al-'Ilaan was mentioned at Omar (Abu Ishaaq), after which he said:
No one is able to change his appearance from what Allah has created him in, but they (the jinn) have sahara as you (the people) have, when you see them do the Adhaan (narrated by Ibn Abi Shaybah) , Ibn Hajr says the isnaad is saheeh)

Imam Al-Nawawi in “Sharh Muslim 13,14,15 / 381) said:

The scholars have said: Al-Sha3ali with the "sien" almaftooha and the "3ien" almohmalatayn, and they are the sahara from under the jinn, or under the jinn there are sahara and they mislead and bewitch.

Al-Manaawi in "Faid Al-Qadeer" 1 / 318 said:

He said when naming Al-'Ilaan, they are a kind of among the jinn and the shayateen and it is their sahara (wizards)

Ibn Al-Atheer in "Ghareeb Al-Hadeeth" 3 / 396:

Al-Ghoul is 1 of the 'Ilaan, and that is a kind of among the jinn and the shayateen, the arabs claimed that Al-Ghoul could be seen in an abandoned piece of land (eg desert) for the people after which it changed shape or, in other words, it changed shape to different colors and shapes, and it made them (the people) wander off their path and it destroyed them, the Prophet (peace be upon him) denied this and destroyed this story.

Al-Mazaari in “Haashiat Al-Rahooni 3ala sharh Al-Zarqaani” 2 / 89:

And from among them, the jinn are Al-'Ilaan and Al-Sha3ali and they spread destruction across the land, they frighten the women and children, and swear over their neighbors and descendants, and they pollute the water with impurities, and do impurities in the food, and those who drink or eat them are damaged to the extent that ALLAH determines that.

Al-Qortobi in “Jaami'Al-Ahlaam wal Quran” 15 / 87: Many from among the Arabs have claimed to have seen the shayateen and the 'Ilaan.

Al-Mas'udi said:
A group of companions mentioned this, including Omar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), he saw that on a number of his journeys to Shaam, and the Ghoul that changed to form for him and he struck it with his sword and this was before the advent of Islam and this is known to them in their traditions (Muruz Al-Dhahab 2 / 169)

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